1·Down goes vital capacity and oxygen consumption.
2·The average growth rate of vital capacity of the pupils is negative.
肺活量平均增长值均出 现不同程度的下降;
3·As a rudimentary basketball player, to strengthen bounce and vital capacity are very important.
4·All patients had a decrease of pulmonary function with an average of 52% of normal vital capacity.
5·Vital capacity is a nonspecific, volitional and relatively insensitive method for the measurement of strength.
6·The vital capacity is a breath biggest ventilation quantity, in a sense may reflect the breath function potential power.
7·Method The tidal volume, vital capacity, time vital capacity and minute ventilation volume were observed in 600 students.
方法用肺量计测定6 0 0名大学生的潮气量、肺活量、时间肺活量及每分钟通气量。
8·To compare the effect of helium-oxygen mixtures containing 80%helium or 60%helium on vital capacity(VC) and related index.
9·The basic pulse, blood pressure, respiratory frequency per minute and vital capacity were measured in the test of function.
10·AIM: To compare the effect of helium-oxygen mixtures containing 80% helium or 60% helium on vital capacity (VC) and related index.
1·Deep breathing can promote the lungs Zhuoqi, add the vital capacity and the amount of oxygen in the blood, accelerate blood circulation.
2·As a rudimentary basketball player, to strengthen bounce and vital capacity are very important.
3·The vital capacity is a breath biggest ventilation quantity, in a sense may reflect the breath function potential power.
4·With the increasing of BMI, college students 'vital capacity, grip strength, back strength gradually increased, however, the associated physical fitness mass indexs decreased.
5·After exercise, there were obvious changes in body form, cardiac function, vital capacity, and hemoglobin as compared with before.